There are also many people wearing new military uniforms and glasses

The Russian army was forced to withdraw just over a month after the unilateral annexation in September

Also, the impact is on the individual that has been born

An initiative has begun to eliminate disparities in the experimental project "Starlink"

Kherson province was occupied by Russia soon after the invasion

It is said that the Ukrainian military also has it

He invited French President Jacques Chirac and American President George W

Former Ground Self-Defense Force Eastern Army Chief Yoshikazu Watanabe "It's extremely important that it's been legalized

There are a lot of people, but no one is controlling them now

Her last exchange with her daughter three hours before her accident

It is seen as a work ironic about President Putin who is struggling

This is not an evacuation, but expulsion

The Special Investigation Headquarters began a house search today at a hotel adjacent to the accident site in Itaewon

Is it the effect of rising nest temperatures due to climate change?

The things of the deceased were 40 meters long and 3 meters wide in a narrow alley

Poland's President Duda said, "We are currently investigating, but it is highly likely that the missile is of Russian origin